Sunday, 16 July 2023

Swindon Dolphin

5 - 0

Taunton Deane

Marlborough College Swimming Pool
(Marlborough, )

Bryan White

Sun, 9 Jul, 13:57 (20 hours ago)

to andrew_strong@yahoo.commenicholas.purslow1@veolia.comJamesChris
I’ve tried to muster the troops but to no avail. It is a pain, and I hate it, but we are going to have to pull out of the match on the 16th
Sorry about this.
Taunton Waterpolo

RE: [EXTERNAL] Fwd: BWWPL Div 2 – Swindon Dolphin vs Taunton Deane Sunday 7th May at 1215 @Marlborough College


Return to Inbox?

2 hours before

Sun, Apr 30, 12PM

Add event

James Baker

Thu, 27 Apr, 16:38 (17 hours ago)
to me

I think it is reasonable in the circumstances – it is a national event and the ‘family’ street parties are scheduled for the Sunday.




From: Mike Coles <>
Sent: 27 April 2023 16:29
To: James Baker <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Fwd: BWWPL Div 2 – Swindon Dolphin vs Taunton Deane Sunday 7th May at 1215 @Marlborough College


This message originated from outside the organisation

Do you think this is a valid reason for rearranging?


Personally the Coronation is on Saturday!


What do you think?




———- Forwarded message ———
From: <>
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2023, 11:33
Subject: RE: BWWPL Div 2 – Swindon Dolphin vs Taunton Deane Sunday 7th May at 1215 @Marlborough College
To: Bryan White <>, Mike Coles <>
Cc: Chris Tubby <>, <>, James Robert Sawley <>, Chris Selby <>


Thanks for the heads up Bryan.


I think perhaps we both did not take into account the Coronation when arranging the fixture.

Certainly, on our side, we would be happy to rearrange if you cannot get a team out.


Mike – I hope that is permissible.





From: Bryan White <>
Sent: 27 April 2023 11:26
To: Andrew Strong <>
Cc: Chris Tubby <>;; James Robert Sawley <>; Chris Selby <>
Subject: Re: BWWPL Div 2 – Swindon Dolphin vs Taunton Deane Sunday 7th May at 1215 @Marlborough College


I have given my players until Sunday to confirm availability. At the moment we do not have enough to fulfil the fixture which is frustrating.


I will let you know asap.



Sent from my iPhone


On 27 Apr 2023, at 11:17, Andrew Strong <> wrote:


Hi Bryan, Chris & Chris,

Above fixture is scheduled for Sunday 7th May.  I’d be grateful if you could confirm availability.  Bryan, I have added a map for Marlborough College pool below – as I am not sure Taunton have been there before.

Please be ready for 1210 warmup and 1220 start.

I also hope you will be able to join us after the match for refreshments at the Iron Horse in Wroughton (Bryan, grateful if you could confirm so we can book in food for you).


Many thanks
